And I thought I had it hard…

Well, today I went to my part-time job this morning but was late…oops…I do hate being late, but I had a million and one things to do this morning. First and foremost, I had to send off information to my suppliers for new AW10 designs (always takes longer than planned), as well as do a little bit more of my tax stuff (not that any of it is easy…and they say “tax doesn’t need to be taxing”!) . Once I am at my second job I do enjoy it, but I had such an exciting day yesterday with a major business opportunity, that I just wanted to focus on my own work today! Still, got to have a nice afternoon as I met a lady via Twitter actually – only in the 21st century could one say that! – and she was lovely. A true inspiration as she has set up her business (hugely successful) not only on her own, but has also just become a mother! If anyone asked me to do what I am doing plus have a child, I would definitely say ‘no’. Running your own business is hard enough, let alone with a baby in tow! She was so lovely, looked glowing and healthy and was incredibly passionate about her work without being arrogant. If I can achieve half as much as she has then I would be very happy indeed.
Tonight though I was let down by Mr G….I was looking forward to a nice romantic meal but unfortunately his work got in the way. Oh well, I suppose an early night wil do me good. We are off to Paris afterall in 10 days time, so that is certainly something to look forward to….

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