January blues…?

Of course business is never easy, especially in the current climate of the recession. All of the negative press, the early shop sales, the redundancies, the lack of consumer spending….it all affects ones motivation. To what extent though varies from individual to individual. It is often taken for granted, in my opinion, the ability for a colleague to off-set his/her workload onto someone else. Being an entrepreneur and running a business independently, this is not possible. If only! That’s the thing with January; one has so much to do with so many good intentions, but often suffers from “January blues”. I wonder how many people set themselves targets only to falter at the first hurdle? Diet books must make a fortune at this time of year!

Snow is falling heavily outside and it is often a time when I feel quite peceful and at my most creative. Plenty to arrange this month and I am really starting to look forward to it; after all, you only get out what you put in…

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